
Kaadhi (KUD-he) is the word used for the hand looming technique that is still practiced in rural areas of  Bangladesh.  This weaving process produces high quality fabrics that are woven using a manually powered loom.  Since no energy source is required to operate the hand loom, this process leaves no carbon footprint.

History & Technique:

Weaving is one of the earliest methods of textile production. It involves interlinking a set of vertical threads (wrap) with a set of horizontal threads (weft).  Weaving can be done by hand or by machine. Hand looms originated from wooden frames and gradually transformed into the complex electronic machines of today. Weaving has now become a mechanized process, though hand weaving is still practiced in many parts of the world. Hand loomed fabrics are an integral part of Bangladesh’s cultural history. Many rural communities still produce hand loomed fabrics for the modern marketplace.


Both Swallows & Artisan Hut,  use the hand looming process to produce their beautifully woven fabrics.  The textures and patterns of the fabrics created through the hand looming process are of remarkable quality and accuracy.  The female artisans at both Swallows & Artisan Hut are highly skilled at their craft.  Their work demonstrates the wonderful potential of  ethical & environmental means of production.

Our Partnership:

At Azadi Project we’re fascinated by the hand looming process!  Particularly by the quality of  construction and the precision of design evident in all the fabrics  produced by our partners at Swallows &  Artisan Hut.  The environmental sustainability of hand looming makes it the foundation of our collection.  Bangladesh’s hand looming  history is celebrated through the preservation of this ancient and eco-friendly technique.



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